With Telesor users can communicate in real time, via a text interface and free of charge, with various organisations and companies, including the customer service of the train operator ADIF. The application is intended for the use of deaf or hard of hearing people and / or people with verbal communication problems (although it can be used by other groups). It aims to facilitate their interaction with the organisations attached to the service, including ADIF. Users communicate through a free app that can be downloaded to a smartphone. They can communicate via text in real time, quickly and easily, without interruptions or waiting.

Category: Digital information services/platforms

Developer: Fundación ICH

Main function: Digital information service/platform

What is the main sub-function of the service/product: Travel information provision – for people with disabilities

Target group(s): People with disabilities: impaired hearing

Countries/cities of operation: Spain

Technologies needed to use the service:

  • Smartphone with internet connection

Is there a non-digital way to use this service or product? Yes. The information can be obtained by phone from the train station (Adif) information telephone service, but this is not as accessible to people who are deaf or hard of hearing or who have verbal communication difficulties.

Why is this a good example?

Reason(s) Free to download and use
More details The app is free to download on web browser, iOS and Android. This makes it accessible to people on low income.
Tags Cost, Specific user groups- People with low income

Reason(s) Provides access to travel information for people who are deaf or hard of hearing or have verbal communication problems
More details Through the free app, users are able to communicate with an agent via text in real time, quickly, easily and without interruptions.
Tags Usability-Multimodality, Accessibility, Group-People with disabilities

Reason(s) Information from qualified staff
More details The agents who answer via text are the same people who answer the train station (Adif) information telephone service. This allows them to have first-hand contact with updated information, avoiding consultation with third parties and delays in the response.
Tags Functionality-Real-time information

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Categories: Digital information services/platforms
Tags: Accessibility, Cost, Functionality, Specific user groups, Usability