The Moovit transit and urban mobility app combines information from public transit operators and authorities with live information from the user community to offer travellers a real-time picture, including the best route for their journey. Moovit amasses up to 6 Billion anonymous data points a day to add to the world’s largest repository of transit data. The data gathering is aided by a network of more than 720,000 local editors, these users help map and maintain local transit information in cities that would otherwise be unserved. Moovit provides a one-stop-shop journey experience to help users get from point A to B in the easiest and most efficient way. Users gain access to train and bus times, maps, live navigation, and real-time arrival information. Additionally, users are able to pay for their travel, find critical alerts and service disruptions for their favourite routes. The app provides step-by-step directions of optimal route bus, train, metro, bike, scooter, or a combination of them. Commuters will find updated bus times and train times, transit maps, and, where available, real-time line arrivals.

Category: Digital journey planning services/platforms

Developer: Moovit App Global LTD

Main function: Digital journey planning service/platform

What is the main sub-function of the service/product: Navigation and Trip planning

Target group(s): General public/other

Countries/cities of operation: 3,400 cities across 112 countries

Technologies needed to use the service:

  • Smartphone, laptop, desktop, tablet with internet connection for journey planning
  • Tablet or smartphone with internet connection on the way for real-time turn-by-turn navigation

Is there a non-digital way to use this service or product? No

Why is this a good example?

Reason(s) Free to download and use
More details The Moovit app is free to download and use on iOS and Android. This makes it accessible to people on low income.
Tags Cost, Specific user groups- People with low income

Reason(s) Provides location of nearby bus stops and delivers “get-off” alerts
More details The app allows users to locate nearby bus stops and train stations and receive alerts as to when to get off the vehicle. This can be particularly useful to people with visual impairments.
Tags Functionality-Real-time information

Reason(s) Maps are available offline
More details Maps are available in PDF for when users are offline, or underground on the subway.
Tags Cost, Specific user groups- People with low income

Reason(s) Allows users to save favourite journeys and delivers appropriate updates
More details Users are able to save favourite routes, stations and places. Furthermore, they can get real-time updates if/when there are changes to the saved routes in case bus and train times are impacted.
Tags Usability-Customisation; Functionality-Other

Reason(s) Integrates different services into one
More details The app has a variety of features, such as provision of live navigation, real-time travel updates, digital payment, stops` visualisation, user reports and more.
Tags Functionality-Integration of services

Reason(s) Available in multiple countries and languages
More details Available for 110+ counties and in 40+ languages.
Tags International aspects, Specific user groups-Migrants

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Categories: Digital journey planning services/platforms
Tags: Cost, Functionality, International Aspects, Specific user groups, Usability