Donkey Republic is a bike rental company. Users can download the Donkey Republic app on a smartphone, find the nearest available Donkey Bike and rent it in the app. The user can rent up to 5 bikes, for short or long rental periods. The bikes can be unlocked with the app through a Bluetooth connection and users can take the bikes wherever they like and lock/unlock multiple times. At the end of the rental, the user returns the bicycle to one of the designated drop-off locations, which helps the next riders find the bikes too.

Category: Digital vehicle sharing services/platforms

Developer: Donkey Republic IVS

Main function: Digital vehicle sharing service/platform

What is the main sub-function of the service/product: Bike sharing

Target group(s): General public/other

Countries/cities of operation: 71 Cities in Europe, in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK.

Technologies needed to use the service:

  • Smartphone or tablet that is Bluetooth enabled and has a mobile internet connection

Is there a non-digital way to use this service or product? No

Why is this a good example?

Reason(s) Users pay per minute of rental. The cost per minute reduces as the session gets longer.
More details The users pay at the end of a session for the length of the rental period. The cost per minute reduces as the session gets longer. Users can see the total cost of their ongoing rental(s) at all times at the top of their screens. This provides potentially useful information.
Tags Cost

Reason(s) The application is available in multiple countries, languages and currencies.
More details The service is available in several European countries. This allows users to keep using the application and the Donkey Republic services when they are travelling abroad. This reduces the need to download new applications or discover new services.
Tags International Aspects

Reason(s) Clear indication of the real-time location of the user and available bicycles
More details Once signed in, the app shows users a map with a circle denoting their own location and the real-time locations of available nearby bicycles. This makes it clear whether there is an available bicycle nearby or not. In addition, the distance to each bicycle is also displayed on the map.
Tags Functionality-Real-time information

Reason(s) Option to view the map in different formats when searching for an available bicycle on the map
More details The application allows users to change the map view to a satellite view. This increases the possibility that people will be able to understand and interpret the map.
Tags Usability-Customisation

Reason(s) Help facilities
More details The application has a “How it works” section for those having questions with the booking, payment or unlocking process of the bike; or those with general questions about the service. In addition, they have a built-in help centre with a long list of frequently asked questions. If the user still has questions left, they can contact the people from Donkey Republic directly by mail or phone or through the chat function.
Tags Usability-Help facilities

Reason(s) Integration with a Facebook account
More details Instead of creating a separate account, users can sign in with a Facebook account. This means that personal details do not have to be entered again.
Tags Usability-User registration

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Categories: Digital vehicle sharing services/platforms
Tags: Cost, Functionality, International Aspects, Usability