One of the concrete legacies of the project is the DIGNITY Toolkit, developed to help policymakers, public and private mobility entities and institutions in the promotion of more inclusive digital mobility solutions.

The DIGNITY Toolkit is freely available here.

The toolkit is designed to support two main activities, which reflect the project’s overall scope:

  • guiding public and private mobility players and providers in developing more inclusive mainstream digital products or services, accessible to and usable by as many people as possible, regardless of their income, disability, social situation or age;
  • helping policymakers formulate long-term strategies that promote innovation in transport while responding to global social, demographic and economic changes, including the challenges of poverty, migration and climate change.

The toolkit provides a set of instruments aimed at promoting these activities by improving the understanding of issues faced by vulnerable-to-exclusion groups and the integration of inclusive design practices in the design of mobility policies, products and services. Furthermore, it incorporates an innovative decision support tool, which guides through the identification of which specific tools are most suited to certain context and needs.