EasyPark is a parking app that allows users to find a spot, manage their parking session and pay for it. It offers a Find & Park service that navigates users turn-by-turn along the optimized route to available parking on the street or in a garage. Users can avoid parking fines by extending the duration of a parking session remotely from their phone.


Digital information services/platforms;

Digital payment and booking services/platforms

Developer: EasyPark AB

Main function: Digital information service/platform and Digital payment and booking service/platform

What is the main sub-function of the service/product: Parking information provision and Parking payment

Target group(s): General public/other

Countries/cities of operation: Over 25+ countries and 3,200 cities.

Technologies needed to use the service:

  • Smartphone (with an internet connection and GPS service)

Is there a non-digital way to use this service or product? Yes, via SMS.

Why is this a good example?

Reason(s) Integrates different services into one
More details The app provides various services related to parking:
– Find available parking spots on-street or in a garage;
– Navigate to a parking spot;
– Start and stop the parking duration;
– Pay for the parking;
– Receive reminders about parking.
Tags Functionality-Integration of services

Reason(s) The Find & Park function finds and guides users to available parking spots
More details Find & Park helps users find an available parking space based on the likelihood of available spaces in different locations. It then guides them via an optimised route to this space. This is likely to be particularly useful for people who are unfamiliar with the layout and parking facilities in the city, e.g., rural inhabitants and other visitors to a city, new migrants and travellers.
Tags Functionality-Other

Reason(s) Users only pay for the exact amount of time that they park and can extend parking sessions via the app
More details Parking charges stop when the vehicle leaves. This saves users money because they do not have to predict the exact time when they will leave and do not have to pay for parking time that they do not use. In addition, the service allows users to extend parking sessions remotely via the app to avoid fines.
Tags Cost

Reason(s) The services is available via SMS and Interactive Voice Response
More details The user can send an SMS specifying their license plate number, zip code of the area where they are parking and the parking duration. The SMS and Interactive Voice Response services are useful for users without smartphones or mobile internet access and those who struggle to use digital technology.
Tags Usability-Multimodality, Caters for low technology users

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Categories: Digital information services/platforms, Digital payment and booking services/platforms
Tags: Caters for low technology users, Cost, Functionality, Usability